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Writer's pictureAFC South Pacific

June 2023 : AFC.SP Prayer Letter

Updated: Jun 23, 2023

Fellow Co-Worker/s

Greeting from Fiji.

Recently someone said to me, “It’s sad that some believers in our fellowship are not making progress in their walk with God.” I have seen this problem so common among Christians. I have come to realize that the most important thing we need for progress in our walk with our heavenly Father is a restful heart. I do not believe that there is simple restfulness of heart until union with our Lord Jesus Christ is known, not merely as a doctrine, but as the unalterable bond of love.

We are not only assured of His grace in saving us, but we have found Him so necessary to us that we cannot live without Him; then to find out that you are united to Him is absolute solace and divine restfulness. I think what we all need to enjoy this restfulness is the company of the Lord.

It is as we increase in divine growth that we will need the Lord more, the more we need the Lord and find Him for everything. The more we grow, the more we will seek Him because we want more, and the more we find, the more we seek; hence seeking Him is the way to have a restful heart experience and progress in our walk with God.

Two days ago a graduate of the College who is serving the Lord on the island of Rotuma visited us and told us that five graduates of our College are involved in gospel ministry. There are many more preaching Christ and Him crucified in Fiji and other parts of the South Pacific.

Recently, we had a Sunday School Camp at our Retreat Centre where 80 children mainly from Hindu homes heard about the Lord Jesus and 18 open their hearts to Jesus. Last week we conducted our first Continuing Education Program for Pastors and Christians Workers in Suva since the Covid lockdown. The speakers were Mr. Barry Frew, a former AFC(SP) Board Member, Dr. David Nelson of the USA, and Rev. Ben Dykman, a Baptist Pastor from New Zealand. Please pray for a Pacific Island Leaders Meeting at our Retreat Centre from the 26th of June, 2023.

Please pray for the financial need of the ministry. This month we have to pay property insurance amounting to FJ$14,000.00 and the monthly budget. At present, the Lord is only providing a fraction of the budget. Some of you have been faithful in supporting us. Please pray that the Lord will bring others to stand will us in this ministry.

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