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Writer's pictureAFC South Pacific

AFC (SP) Ministry Update: February 2024

Dear friends and Prayer Partners of Ambassadors for Christ (SP),

Psalm 77 showcases the troubles we face in the present, but it also reminds us of the deliverances God’s people have experienced in the past. It's important to remember this strategy when we find ourselves in difficult situations. Whether it's a broken relationship, the sin that so easily trips us up, public humiliation, depression, health problems, or a troubled conscience, we must reflect on our past and the faithfulness of God.

Haven't we witnessed God's help? Haven't we felt the comforting and empowering presence of the Holy Spirit? Haven't we experienced moments of joy while reading Scripture?

And above all, haven't we seen God's ultimate deliverance through the gospel of Jesus Christ? He sent His Son to suffer and die in our place. Let's take note of what Asaph wrote in this psalm: "Your way was through the sea" (v. 19).

This may have seemed impossible to the Israelites as they faced the sea with the Egyptians approaching. Yet God's ways defy our understanding. He works in ways that go against our limited thoughts. The cross is the perfect example of this. In the past, His way was through the sea, and now, in the present, His way is through the cross. God's incredible provision both confounds us and sets us free.

We are thrilled to announce the commencement of classes for the monumental 50th year at Fiji Bible College (CTEF). As we embark on this remarkable milestone, we are filled with profound gratitude for the unwavering provision of our God, who through the kindness of His people’s sacrificial giving, has sustained us through every moment.

We humbly ask for your prayers, particularly for the students entering their inaugural year, as well as for all our students. Your intercession is invaluable as they embark on this transformative journey of faith and education.

In a signifciant development, BarnabasAid International joined hands with us in 2023 to address critical needs in our community. Following this partnership, a shipment of 160,000 food servings arrived just after the dawn of the new year. 80,000 of those servings have been distributed. We fervently seek your prayers for the effective utilisation of this opportunity to demonstrate Christ’s love and share the gospel, emphasising Him as the ultimate sustainer and provider.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support and prayers. Your prayers uplift and sustain us as we continue our mission to serve in the South Pacific. Together, let us fervently pray for the coming of God’s Kingdom on Earth as it is in Heaven, that His name may be praised from the rising of the sun to its setting, and that many souls may find salvation in Him.

Thank you, from the depths of our hearts, for your steadfast prayerful support.

With heartfelt gratitude and love,


Edited by Nathan Adams

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